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Threat Assessment & Management Program Development

An Analogy

Violence Risk Assessments (VRA) are conducted by Mental Health Professionals every day.  They're used in a clinical setting for everything from visitation rights in Family Court to whether a First Responder can return to active duty.  They have typically relied on  the "clinical process" of face-to-face evaluations or an actuarial approach using statistical probabilities.   For example, it's the process your ER doctor might use to determine if the symptoms you're reporting are a match for any of those she knows can indicate acid reflux, a panic attack, or a cardio event.


How It's Done

Threat Assessment & Management (TAM), is a much more in depth look at your situation.  It would be the next steps our imaginary ER doctor would take, to gather information.  You might be asked to take a blood test, or be evaluated by a specialist who'll check your family history and stress level.  A helpful spouse might show the doctor your food truck selfie, letting them know about your diet.

In TAM, it's the methods by which we hope to avoid any future "events" that require First Responders  in any capacity.


How We  Do It Differently

Threat Assessment & Management involves an  entire team.   TAM teams are typically composed of Human Resources, Legal Counsel, Security, or Mental Health Professionals.  Most organizations and companies have the first three, but they rarely have a Mental Health Professional on the team.   

Our team is led by a Clinical Psychologist with Forensic experience, who has been affected by profound violence personally and professionally in all its iterations, at every stage of legal & penal system involvement.   He has developed a method for self-protection called ADAPT (patent pending) which can be applied in most situations, and around which we've developed our Healthcare Professionals self-protection program, Code Clear.  He has also developed a groundbreaking model of violence called GUMV which explains and incorporates types of violence ignored by other models.
That gives us a rare edge, and a greater understanding facilitated by a clinician and researcher who specializes in violence prevention and aftermath management.


Why It's Important

Traditionally, TAM focuses on targeted violence, where a predator seeks out an individual or identified group, goes through preparation to attack that individual or identified group, and gives warning signs of progressing towards the  violent act.   

But what if it doesn't happen that way? 

The violence that an ER doctor (like the one we mentioned earlier) might be at risk for is entirely different from  the violence committed by a school shooter, and equally different from  what motivates a serial rapist or an armed robber. 

Most people probably know that all violence is not the same.  It presents itself differently, happens in different environments, and has different consequences and implications.   

Even if you know all violence isn't the same, you might not know exactly why it looks or feels different.  Chances are slim that you will realize  that what can halt one type of violent encounter can escalate another.   And escalation means more- more damages, more expenses, more First Responders.


How We Can Help

Prevalent theories deal mostly with Predatory or Affective Violence.  Dr. Kennedy's theory, GUMV, documents, explains, and teaches how to avoid or de-escalate Appetitive Violence-- the violence a perpetrator commits because they simply enjoy it.

We can teach you to recognize the antecedents to each type of violence, how and when to intervene  based on type, and what those interventions will look like within your company or organization.  Most importantly, Dr. Kennedy and his team will give you the tools to analyze these situations on your own so that as your company changes or new threats arise, your TAM Program can be implemented to  manage your new level of  risk and achieve your desired outcome.



Dr. William Kennedy
Kenzie Kennedy, Dr. William Kennedy, Benjamin Kennedy
ADAPT method of Violence Prevention and Assessment
Sterling Henderson and Kenzie Kennedy at a Code Clear Training
Instances of Workplace Violence taken from local news
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